
General Commands

Here’s a cheat sheet with some common terminal commands for Windows, macOS, and Linux:

Table of Contents

1. Navigation

| Task | Windows | macOS/Linux | | ————————– | ————— | ————- | | List files and directories | dir | ls | | Change directory | cd <folder> | cd <folder> | | Go to home directory | cd | cd ~ | | Go up one directory level | cd .. | cd .. | | Print current directory | cd or chdir | pwd |

2. File Operations

| Task | Windows | macOS/Linux | | ——————— | —————————– | —————————– | | Copy file | copy <source> <destination> | cp <source> <destination> | | Move file | move <source> <destination> | mv <source> <destination> | | Rename file | rename <oldname> <newname> | mv <oldname> <newname> | | Delete file | del <file> | rm <file> | | Delete directory | rmdir <folder> | rm -r <folder> | | Create directory | mkdir <folder> | mkdir <folder> | | Display file contents | type <file> | cat <file> or less <file> |

3. System Information

| Task | Windows | macOS/Linux | | ————————- | ——————— | ——————– | | Display IP address | ipconfig | ifconfig or ip a | | Display running processes | tasklist | ps aux | | Kill process | taskkill /PID <pid> | kill <pid> | | System information | systeminfo | uname -a |

4. Network Operations

| Task | Windows | macOS/Linux | | ————- | ————————————– | ——————————- | | Ping a server | ping <address> | ping <address> | | Trace route | tracert <address> | traceroute <address> | | Download file | Use curl or wget (3rd party tools) | curl -O <url> or wget <url> |

5. Disk Operations

| Task | Windows | macOS/Linux | | ———————— | ——– | ———– | | Check disk usage | chkdsk | df -h | | Display disk space usage | dir | du -sh | | Format a drive | format | mkfs |

6. Text Editing

| Task | Windows | macOS/Linux | | ————– | —————- | —————————- | | Edit text file | notepad <file> | nano <file> or vi <file> |

7. User Management

| Task | Windows | macOS/Linux | | ———– | ————————————- | ————————- | | List users | net user | cat /etc/passwd | | Add user | net user <username> <password> /add | sudo adduser <username> | | Delete user | net user <username> /delete | sudo deluser <username> |

8. Permissions

| Task | Windows | macOS/Linux | | ———————– | ——————- | —————————- | | Change file permissions | icacls <file> | chmod <permissions> <file> | | Change file owner | takeown /f <file> | chown <owner> <file> |

9. Searching

| Task | Windows | macOS/Linux | | ———————— | ————————– | ————————- | | Search for a file | dir /s <filename> | find / -name <filename> | | Search for text in files | findstr <pattern> <file> | grep <pattern> <file> |

10. Miscellaneous

| Task | Windows | macOS/Linux | | ——————— | —————– | ———– | | Clear terminal screen | cls | clear | | History of commands | doskey /history | history |

This cheat sheet covers basic commands, but each operating system has many more commands and options for more advanced tasks.